The cinnamon challenge is stupid. There, I said it.
Now that it’s out in the open I think it would probably be a good idea to explain this blatant urge to curse it. You see, a couple weeks back my friends and I took it upon our clever little selves to try it.
The result? The non-competitive nature that I thought I had was ruined as I gulped down three tablespoons of the stuff reigning as the 55-second victor out of the 6 girls who tried it. This got the junk stuck in between my teeth, dried my mouth out, and unsettled my stomach.
Guess what we had for breakfast the next day? Cinnamon rolls. Guess who’s never eating cinnamon rolls again? This dumb kid. (like this sentence, but think it slows down your point)
Despite these discomforts, most of my white-hot rage towards the cinnamon challenge roots from the reason I did it.
I did it because everyone else was.
It wasn’t like the typical peer pressure either, I volunteered to do it. No one was whispering remarks in my ears or teasing my cowardice. I just decided I’d beat them to the punch and break my overly cautious reputation (in truth this is the craziest thing I might have ever really done).
Two weeks later, I’m even more scared.
You ever hear that song, ‘every spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down’? Well, due to my recent paranoia on the subject I’ve found swallowing a spoonful of cinnamon is going to land you in the emergency room where they won’t be putting pixie dust in your IV or respirator.
Inhaling the cinnamon means a collapsed lung in some cases, as cinnamon will virtually suck the liquid and cling for dear life to your chest tissues.
I guess that’s a good enough reason to hate it, plenty good for me, anyway. But more than that I hate the way I was so quick to do it. It was that stupid spontaneity that could have seriously hurt me.
Today I’m sitting here thinking, ‘what if I had inhaled it?’ and that if I did, I might not be sitting here. That I might be sitting in the hospital hooked up to a breathing machine because my airway collapsed.
I remember asking “Is it safe?” How absolutely dumb that was. Of course someone said it would be, but who were they to know even if they were wrong?
It wasn’t their fault and I have no right to blame them for my personal risk, and I don’t. I had all the means to pull myself out of doing some stupid dare and they weren’t pushing me into it.
I had all the stuff to check if it was really safe; my cell phone had internet, and I had doubts. But it wasn’t curiosity that killed the cat; it was rashness, and I was definitely being that.
If there is one good thing to come out of this absolutely stupid challenge, it’s that I’ve realized there was and is no reason to be ashamed of my cautiousness. I’m perfectly satisfied being careful. It makes me smart.
As for the cinnamon challenge, do or die just might mean die. I Hope you don’t risk it, because even if you don’t get hurt, its sure to leave a bad taste in your mouth.
Cinnamon: Is it the spice of life… or death?
Lily Newcomb
October 23, 2012
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About the Contributor
Lily Newcomb, Opinion Editor
Lily is a senior at OHS. This is her fourth year in the OC Journalism Department. She likes to read, write and draw. (She created the Eagle logo for our publication.)