As the boys wrestling season draws to a close, many OHS athletes look back on a successful year. OHS has a division 1, section 2 team which comes with some very tough competition.
Despite various struggles this season, the team is hopeful for the following year and those beyond.
“As a team we definitely could be doing better this season, but I feel like we are all trying really hard to improve,” said Gabriel Garcia, junior.
The team dynamic in wrestling differs from other sports, mainly for the fact that wrestling is an individual sport, with entirely separate scores. This gives matches a more exciting atmosphere.
“The feeling of [the judge] raising your hand while your entire team is cheering for you, it’s indescribable,,” said Jameson Blagg, sophomore.
While wrestling is an individual sport, the team bonds that wrestling forges are solidified through the sport, often extending beyond just school and wrestling.
“The [JV] team is pretty close, we’re pretty good friends, and we hang out sometimes during the off season,” Blagg said.
Wrestling is a very intense sport that often puts a strain on wrestlers physical and mental health. This is more evident during the end of the season, as the wrestlers push themselves to their limits.
“It’s very difficult, especially later in the season but that’s one of the best parts for me, I love the grind,” said Justin Dobbins, sophomore.
While some of the team is struggling this season, Gabriel Garcia is certainly not. Garcia is currently number two in the state for his weight class with a record of only three losses.
“My season is going well, I only have 3 losses as of right now and I’m second in the state, I’m hoping to make first,” Garcia said.
Wrestling is a sport that offers incredible room for growth and improvement, even during the season the athletes still train often.
“I like knowing that if I put in the effort and I really work for it I can improve,” said Dobbins. “Seeing myself improve over time is one of the most gratifying things for me personally”.
The wrestling team is continuing to improve throughout the season, but some wrestlers are predicting that next season will be one of OHS’ best.
“Next year is going to be O’Connors year, I know it, the dedication me and my teammates are putting into it [wrestling] is definitely going to pay off,” Garcia said. .