Changing your perspective

Macy Sanchez, News Editor

While it is important to take a moment to grieve over the things we have lost, it is even more important to look at the things we have gained, and to have hope for the things to come. 

Due to COVID-19’s rapid movement in our country, all non-essential businesses have been forced to close and all gatherings of 10 or more people were cancelled indefinitely. Because of those swift changes, students are missing out on a lot of the fun that comes with being a student. Seniors lost graduation, athletes could not play their spring season, and upperclassmen lost prom. Everyone lost the experience of learning from remarkable teachers in an environment surrounded by friends. Nearly all students lost their jobs, or at least had their hours cut tremendously. Yes, the aforementioned things are disheartening, but we can only sulk for so long before we get stuck in a depressed place. 

Take a moment to look around at what you have. Don’t focus on what is not there. We have all lost something from this pandemic, and I think everyone has had their moment to complain. Now, it is time to notice what is still there. Take notice of what all of this craziness has blessed you with, and remind yourself of all the good things you already had. Look at how much is still there. 

We have had a lot of doors shut in our faces over the past months, but while a little bit harder to see, a lot of doors have opened, too. Normally these doors represent big changes, big opportunities, or big choices. This time, they represent smaller, more personal chances to grow. 

This time at home is an opportunity to strengthen our family relationships. Having no choice but to spend hours on end with your family can, at first, seem like a problem. For some, this “problem” is because of small things, like annoying siblings, constant chores, or nagging parents. For others, though, being at home with family is a hurdle due to toxic family members or unsafe conditions. In time, most of us will begin to notice what a blessing it is to be at home with our families. Appreciating your family is one thing, showing them how you appreciate them is another. Let’s take advantage of this time and be intentional about spending time with our families. 

Prior to COVID-19 there were so many things occupying our time. Taking into account the time spent at school, the gym, eating, sleeping, working, and doing homework, we are left with only a small chunk of time to spend relaxing with our families. Now, because of COVID-19, we, as students, have an inordinate amount of time in our hands. Because a lot of the prior mentioned things are not available to us, we have to discover new ways of spending our time. Many have chosen to take advantage of this abundance of free time by trying new things and picking up new hobbies like learning the guitar, cooking, reading, and painting. These are great things to do because they can calm our nerves in the midst of this pandemic and provide us with much needed joy.

There is a constant influx of information and change being thrown our way that makes it difficult for us to have solid ground to stand on. A lot of people are looking for normalcy because that is comfortable, but the normal life that they are referring to will not return for a while. Instead, you can look at the normalcy and consistency of nature. The blooms on the cacti are doing what they do every spring, providing food for our wildlife and at the same time spreading seeds and pollinating all of the plant life. Nature does not worry; it is thriving through this crisis. We need to resemble nature in the way that it is pushing through and continuing to move forward. Do what you can to keep your routine, but know that change is a wonderful thing.  It seems like our only option is to stand still, but we can make a big difference from the comfort of our couches. Nature is doing well, so can we.

Our world has been hit with pandemics and great economic challenges before, and look where we are now. We survived, and came out on top. Who’s to say we won’t overcome this? We cannot do anything to change our circumstances, but we have all the power to change our perspective. Make the best out of this time, and we will come out of it better than before.