Arts programs don’t receive large enough canvas
Sylvan Austin, freshman, plays the trumpet at marching band practice in preparation for a game.
October 21, 2015
Choir. Band. Drama. Art. All these programs are all cut before your standard math or science class. Having a variety of arts program for students to choose from is a great way to guarantee that every student has a way to reach their creative potential and a way to express themselves.
All across the country, the arts programs in schools are the first to go due to budget cuts. The arts are considered the least essential when it comes to a student’s education. I believe the arts programs are just as essential to a student’s growth and education as a science or math class.
Growing up with an arts programs at my elementary school, I loved being in choir and band.
However, many elementary school students across the country do not have access to an arts program and I believe that cutting an arts program could be just as detrimental as cutting a whole math program at an elementary school or middle school.
I think having a variety of arts program for students to choose from is a great way to guarantee every student has a way to reach their potential.
Attending a school in a country where being good at music or art is considered a hobby and being good at math or science is considered smart and essential can be tough for students who want to pursue an art in the future.
Many students, myself included, struggle with math or science. Those who excel in arts aren’t taken as seriously as their peers who excel in math or science.
Students are required to take four years of math, three years of science and only one year of art, because math and science are pegged as essential for a student to master in high school.
Art is a way to express yourself, and many students need an outlet to get away from the stress of their everyday life.
I think that if we valued art more and accepted that it is just as important as any other subject taught in schools, then we could support more students who want to pursue the arts in their future.