North Korea situation sparks uncertain future for U.S.
September 11, 2017
The United States could soon be plunged into war once again, amidst threats of violence and destruction from the North Korean government.
In recent times, North Korea has been investing a majority of its funds on nuclear weapons testing and development. Recent claims by the country are boasting their tests of a nuclear warhead attached to an intercontinental ballistic missile, or ICBM, which could potentially reach the U.S.
The United States government has refused to back down from threats of destruction if North Korea continues to test these nuclear weapons.
There is dispute about whether North Korea’s claims about nuclear weapons development are just a bluff by North Korea, or actually factual. Richard Weyker, government and economics teacher, believes North Korea’s claims about their nuclear weapons progress to be legitimate.
“If they didn’t our intelligence communities would be calling them out on it… I don’t think they would say they have a nuclear weapon unless they have a nuclear weapon,” Weyker said.
The recent disputes between North Korean government and U.S. government have raised concerns about national security. Jessica Lindenmeier, AP World History teacher, is concerned about North Korea’s hostility.
“North Korea hates Americans and hates pretty much any Democratic nation, and I do believe that not just for us but for our allies as well that we should definitely be concerned about it,” Lindemeier says.
Weyker warns about the danger the nuclear situation could cause.
“Your parents had to do nuclear weapon drills, getting under desks, practice alarms, the fact is we are more in danger of nuclear war now than we were during the Cold War,” Weyker said.
There are multiple opinions on whether the U.S. is handling this escalating situation in the correct way or not. John Wolpert, junior, believes that the president has handled the predicament in a good way.
“As we all saw a few weeks ago, President Trump made Kim-Jong Un back down,” Wolpert said.
However, Weyker believes there are multiple faults in the way the government has dealt with this.
“In administration, the White House has to speak with one voice… the main problem with this administration is they are all saying something something different,” Weyker said.
Even though the situation could result in wars in the future if handled incorrectly, Lindenmeier believes that it will not come to a peak just yet.
“I hope Kim Jong-un is not that arrogant but I don’t foresee anything happening right now, at the moment I think we are in the stalemate moment,” Lindenmeier said.
Weyker emphasizes that no conclusions can be made just yet.
“Foreign policy is really complicated, but I doubt that anything is possible at this point,” Weyker said.