Eagle Hour: A beneficial time for all students

The Eagle Hour schedule for Tuesdays and Thursdays starting on Sept. 7.

Courtesy of SDOHS

The Eagle Hour schedule for Tuesdays and Thursdays starting on Sept. 7.

Katie Diab, Staff Writer

Eagle hour will occur every Tuesday and Thursday starting on Thursday, Sept. 7.

It will start on Thursday, mainly because the logistics of the calendar. Sept. 4th is Labor Day, so the students will not have school. The week before Labor Day, the administration are going to do a lot of communication out to the classes and the students, in many different ways.

The reason Eagle hour is not starting on Tuesday is because the list of students, will be shared to the teachers on Thursday and then will be shared to the students on Friday and Tuesday, to let them know which class they have to be in for intervention on Thursday of that week.

The 29th we will go through an old MTSS schedule day. During second hour, the administrations will have Sophomores and Seniors meet at the gym to explain how this works. Then during MTSS, we will have Freshmens and Juniors.

Then the 31st, there will be another old mtss schedule and the teachers will go through the new eagle hour schedule with the students. That afternoon, Kimberly Heinz, Assistant Principal, will be going through the first list of the students who will be mandated to go due to failing a class.

Thursday will be a freshmen mentor day, so freshmen will not be mandated to go to intervention for that week at all, so they will start the following week. Freshmen mentors will only be once a month on Thursday.

If you’re failing a class, your teachers will tell you what your assigned class for intervention will be for the following week.

“If you are failing multiple classes, the committee will take priority classes like math and science to be the first intervention, since a study shows that students are failing more math and science classes, the admin will take first priority of that class. Then English, Social Studies, World Language and CTE classes will be the second priority,” Heinz said.

For an example, If you are failing multiple classes and one of those is math, you’re most likely going to be assigned to your math class teacher for the following week to go to interventions for math. If you are only failing one class, whatever that class is that you’re failing, you’ll be assigned to go to that class. So the only time that priority list comes into play is if you have more than one failure.

There will be an hour for lunch, the school has added tables around campus in case the cafeteria gets too crowded. For now, students are restricted to the two lunch areas, but during Eagle hour, the whole campus is open, except for the hallways.

The school will be a little different during these two days. First, second, third, fourth and fifth, lunch for one hour, sixth and then seventh hour. The buildings will be split, if you’re in the 200, 400 or 500, the teachers will have intervention for the first 30 minutes. If you’re in the 600, 700 or 800 the teachers will have intervention for the last 30 minutes.

“The way that Eagle Hour came into place is, I saw an article about it for a school that did it out east, and then a couple of schools in the valley have adopted it in the past and already had it for about 2 or 3 years, so I brought that idea to Dr. Miller about 2 years ago, I thought, this is really an intriguing idea, that I think our kids would benefit from,” Heinz said.

In the old MTSS system, complaints that some teachers had was that they were trying to do interventions when they had a room full of kids in their classrooms, and it was hard to manage the room full of kids that needed the attention they wanted. They asked if there was any way that they could get a time that they only have the kids that need the help in one classroom, that is what will be happening during eagle hour.

Eagle Hour will be run by Kimberly Heinz and Justin McLain, who will be the administrators, Bradley Garraway, who will be the security component with having all the kids at lunch, possibly at the same time, instead of 1200, there might be 1800-2000 students out there at the same time, so the admin knew there would be some security issues that they are going to have to talk about.

Then they have Robin Naylor, who provides upper level AP thought process, and how can the committee, service the A,B and C type students, and she is also a department chair. Jen Guerrette and Jamey Spartz who will give the kids options and is part of the wellness component. Then lastly, Marc Mur, the Academic Interventionist.

“We went and visited schools, we had a lot of meetings on how this could work on our campus, we branded the name Eagle Hour because we wanted it to be ours. If you need help, there’s no excuse that you can’t go get help during Eagle Hour, because it is right during the day and all teachers are available. There is no reason for you to not go,” Heinz said.

For seniors who have a short day, they will not be mandated to stay on campus during that time, but if they want to get help during lunch, they will need to sign in and get a visitor’s pass from the front office in order to be allowed on campus again.

The only reason the admin need for seniors with a short day to get a visitor’s pass is so if the school has an emergency, and seniors are just here, they will not have any record of them being here.