Eagle Walk improves pep rally tradition
Football players enter the crowd during the first Eagle Walk preparing for their game against Mountain Pointe.
August 24, 2017
Friday morning introduced a new twist to the pep assemblies OHS was used to. Instead of the typical “pep rally” title it was always referred to, it was renamed the “Eagle Walk” and inaugurated a different type of pep rally.
“In the past, these used to called pep assemblies and they used to be somewhat of a joke,” Coach Casey, varsity football coach, says, “We’re just trying to change the culture and get people involved, the student body, and let everybody know that they need to get excited for Friday.”
The Eagle Walk included more than just the band, the cheerleaders, the student body, and the football team; it also included a number of clubs and the ELA department, which was a noticeable difference compared to previous years.
“We invited the Freshman Mentors, we also invited a club off-campus and we’ve invited the ELA department. We asked the teachers to join us,” Coach Casey says.
Alongside those clubs, the walk was planned to be more interactive.
“[This year] I think it [the Eagle Walk] was based more on the clubs,” Mr. Evans, athletic director, says, “we included the teachers in it, obviously included the band and the cheerleaders, and tried more to include the students by setting up the walk to where they can stand on the sides and give out high-fives so it was very interactive.”
Support from the students was the most important thing for the football team and the Eagle Walk was refined in order to boost the players’ spirits up for game day.
“I hoped to see that it brings the whole community in and support the clubs and the football team. I think that we need more supports from the students,” Mr. Evans says, “[this Eagle Walk] just means camaraderie between the students and support for our school and just trying to get everybody on the same page.”