Dueling classes deck out for decade day
Freshman Serenity Mitchell and Maddie Worley, dressed up in 90’s grunge for decade day.
February 19, 2015
As spirit week continues, OHS students show their support by decking out in iconic decade attire.
According to Stugo representative Noah Barinque, the Stugo members chose which decade their grade would represent, in continuation with the class versus class theme.
Seniors chose to dress up in tie-dye colors and peace signs to represent the 60’s, while juniors dressed up to represent the 50’s (complete with excessive amounts of black leather and red lipstick).
Sophomores embodied the best parts of the 80s including neon tights and tutu and really big hair.
Freshmen dressed up in popular grunge attire incorporating 90’s band t-shirts and lots of black and red plaid.
All of the students dressed up today with their own reasons in mind.
“‘Cause it’s fun,” said Hannah Carpenter, junior.
Spirit week continues tomorrow with class color day and the assembly that will happen during second hour. Seniors will be pink, juniors will be orange, sophomores will be purple and freshman will be green.
Spirit week will come to a close with the Sadie Hawkin’s dance tomorrow night at Glendale Civic Center from 7-10 p.m.