Teachers are the sources behind an engaging and thriving learning environment. However, as they mentor their students throughout their educational journeys, they are sometimes in need of a helping hand. This is where TA’s (Teaching Assistants) come in to complete smaller tasks for educators, supporting them throughout their mission to cultivate knowledge for today’s youth.
Thankfully, at OHS, there are many eager students who are willing to take on this responsibility. Having been in their teacher’s class prior, they inquire about the opportunity to continue fostering their bond with them as an assistant.
“I took a couple AP classes last year, and the one that really stood out to me was Physics and I really liked how the teacher ran the class and I talked to him about the responsibilities he expected a TA would have, and he gave me a list of them,” said Autumn Knapp, junior.
With the decision to become a TA comes the question regarding which teacher a student would like to aid. However, for some students, this connection came almost instantly.
“Ever since I had chemistry with him, I knew I wanted to help TA a science…I feel like Mr. Burton would be a really laid back teacher, and he’s not going to be one of those teachers that doesn’t require you to do anything but he’s not going to require me to do a lot of work,” said Mona Takrouri, senior.
While it is not a requirement, getting a headstart on deciding whether one would like to have this position in the future can benefit an applicant. The process is lengthy as the school wants to ensure the most trustworthy and capable students are representing their staff.
“I did ask Mr. Burton my sophomore year if I could be his TA my senior year so I could be ahead of it…I went up to him and got this form you have to fill out…there are a lot of signatures you have to get,” Takrouri said.
While the day to day tasks for these students vary, they are able to immensely avail the teacher with the preparation for their classes.
“Sometimes Wylie asks me to go run some errands, like pick up tissues or lab materials in different science buildings that I have to go pick up. I assemble a lot of labs for Physics 1 and Physics 2,” Knapp said.
There are also individuals that choose to assist other departments at the school, such as the counseling office;while the expectations remain the same, the responsibilities differ.
“Depends on the day, but on the days where it’s super busy there’s a good 10-12 passes on a little shelf and I go and sort them out by class, or building, and then I go to each building and pass them out…whatever they ask me to do I’m there to do it,” said Mackenzie Bailey, senior.
While these students are always ready to do whatever task is required, sometimes when the time permits, they are able to relax and work on their own personal goals.
“On a really slow day, I just focus on my own schoolwork because if they haven’t asked me already to do anything different, I just do my homework, read, and maybe talk to the people that are in there,” Bailey said.
Even though TA’s are instituted to benefit the teachers, these individuals also receive many advantages. This is seen with the connection that is sustained throughout the year.
“I love being around Mr. Burton, but I just didn’t like AP chemistry. Instead of having to do an actual class that he would’ve taught that was hard, I could be around one of my favorite teachers without actually having to do academic work,” Takrouri said.
Spending so much time in the counseling department also gives its participants invaluable perks. Students are able to frequently ask questions about different topics, such as their courses and future.
“They’re really there for you if you need help or anything, especially if you’re a TA because you’re in there everyday so you get the opportunity at any time when you’re in there in that hour to ask them questions,” Bailey said.
Apart from the connection TA’s gain with their teachers, they are also able to create substantial bonds with the other students in the classroom.
“Usually I thought TAs aren’t very interactive with the students in their class, but since I know chemistry give or take, I could help out a lot of the students and they’re really sweet and nice and fun to hang around…they address me like I’m just their friend,” Takrouri said.
Overall, people looking to take on this role need to ensure they are building a relationship with the staff member they are thinking about asking for this responsibility.
“I definitely say make sure you have a strong relationship and bond with the teacher you want to TA for, because you work with them throughout the whole entire year and also it’s nice to have a trusted adult,” Knapp said.
Working with educators on a more personal scale allows students to feel confident in the bond they have formed over the course of their high school careers..
“This is not explicitly stated but I’m totally [Mr.Burton’s] favorite student,” Takrouri said.