OC Captured: Tim Vaughn

Tim Vaughn, the OHS Plant Foreman in his natural habitat.
October 26, 2015
How often do you pay attention to the people who pick up after you? Chances are, not that much. But these people have crazy jobs and it’s time we talk about them.
Tim Vaughn, OHS Plant Foreman, is an example of someone who does a lot but isn’t acknowledged.
Q: What’s the craziest thing you’ve seen on the job?
A: Rattlesnakes. We had 80 in the beginning of the school year for a 3 month period 4 years ago. We usually have 10 to 15 at the beginning of the school year.
Q: How long have you been working here?
A: I’ve been working here for 14 years.
Q: What is your biggest accomplishment?
A: Getting to be Plant Foreman.
Q: What is your relationship with the people who work on campus?
A: I’m close with people I work with. We have our arguments and we have our fun.
Q: What’s your family like?
A: I’ve got a wife and we have five kids between us that are all grown. I met my wife here actually. She worked here for about a year and she worked in the kitchens. We just started talking and dating and then we got married.
Vaughn is clearly a man of few words, but now next time you see him around on campus, you’ll know just a little something extra about him.