I Am OC: Dr. Miller
March 26, 2014
Lynn Miller, new principal at OHS, was at the school five years ago when he was the Assistant Principal of Curriculum Instruction.
“It feels great being the new leader,” said Miller. “I love leading, [and] having that big impact.”
Miller said that influence only goes so far, but when there’s an impact it lasts longer than an influence.
Responsibilities that come along with being the principal of OHS include enforcing new policies such as the reformed rules and the distribution of the mini iPads.
“I don’t think that [the new policies] are anything different. I think that it’s just clearer, and more concise. [The policy] gives us a roadmap of what we’re supposed to be,” Miller said.
Miller said that the important characteristics students need nowadays are leadership and problem solving. That’s where the mini iPads come in.
“[Mini iPads] work with collaboration, teamwork [and] provide huge opportunities for all of our students,” Miller said.“We have to get off of the piece of teaching kids what to think, and [instead] teach them how to think.”
Miller continued to explain how anyone “can Google whatever [they] want.”
Miller said “we’re creating young people for jobs that don’t even exist yet.”
Although now Miller’s responsibilities are set on a campus of around 2,700 students in the city of Phoenix, he started off on a smaller scale.
Miller went to a school back in a farming town in Michigan that only had a graduating class of 22 kids. He had 1,600 head of hog and lived on 600 acres.
“I even grew up in a school that was more of the underdog, so I love [having] someone tell me ‘you can’t do that’ and I say ‘watch us, we will do it.’”
Miller’s ‘can do’ attitude is showcased in his coaching. Miller coaches softball.
“I analyze and see the strengths of people, and then I utilize those strengths to make our team better,” said Miller.
Miller said he applies his coaching skills to his principal role at OHS by “making teachers and making players better.”
“I love helping other people succeed,” he said.
Best Advice: Believe in yourself and never give up. Be nice to others.
One word that describes him best: Passionate
Favorite sport to coach: Softball, but he enjoys basketball
Role models when he was in high school: Roger Staubach- quarterback for Cowboys, Magic Johnson, Dan Marley, and Rudy (movie)
Embarrassing moment: “When I was assistant principal [not at OHS], I was out trying to mingle with kids at lunchtime, and I realized I had a rip in my pants. When you’re trying to be cool and meet with everyone and it’s like, ‘oh this isn’t cool.’”
Greatest Moment: his faith, family, and being a dad
Movies: Action
Favorite color: Green
Favorite musical artist: Sawyer Brown (country group)
Favorite food: Burgers or steak
Love Story: Miller and his wife met as teachers at El Mirage. “I went for my first interview, and she was the first person who walked out the office door, and I said ‘wow, if they’re all that good looking I want to work here.’ I went in, did the interview, got the job, and by October I kind of talked her into going out with me. The rest is 20 years of history.”