One table at club rush particularly intrigued students because of the large robot sitting on it. The electronics and amateur radio club received 50 student signatures and the members are excited to begin their club.
“We’re going to go over components: how they look on a schematic, what they do, how they work with other components and then eventually we’re going to get to learn [about] things like the robot we had out at the cafeteria,” said Aric Wildeboer, a junior hosting the club.
Although this may sound confusing to most students, the club presidents aren’t expecting any prior knowledge from those joining.
“I think that it’s a new experience for people because most people don’t know how things work and don’t know how you got cell phones and televisions and things like that,” said Dakota Clemens, a junior also running the club. “It opens up your eyes to what you can do with things.”
The club will be meeting every Friday and members will learn basic information on electronics and how to operate a radio station.
“I’m going to bring in some radio equipment [and] we will use it to teach them,” Clemens said.
Both Wildeboer and Clemens are confident that students will enjoy watching demonstrations and gaining hands on experience with electronics.
“You’re going to learn stuff that you’ll be able to impress people with for the rest of your life,” Wildeboer said.
Although they displayed a robot at club rush, they do not have a solid plan to teach about robotics at club meetings.
“I was thinking we might make a battle bot and go to a competition but that might be outside the club,” Wildeboer said.
Wildeboer and Clemens are excited to begin the club and they hope to see new faces at the meetings every Friday.