The Talon is OHS’s newspaper. Members in that class are responsible for writing about important and recent events around campus that the student body would not otherwise know. Anya Rogers is the Editor- in- Chief this year and enjoys helping her staff improve on a daily basis.
Q: How do you feel about being the Editor–in-Chief of The Talon?
A: I am really excited because I like being able to teach the newcomers about how it works. I like being able to decide on how I want it (the newspaper) to look. Plus, I enjoy being able to share my responsibilities with Amanda (Ekdahl).
Q: What does the newspaper staff hope to accomplish this year?
A: Newspaper is putting out four issues this year as well as a new website. This is the first year we will be doing online and we hope to get more attention from the student body.
Q: How does the newspaper staff hope to serve the campus?
A: We try our best to inform the student body on things they might not know otherwise.
Q: How are they going to do this?
A: We accomplish this by talking to prominent figures on campus and writing informational stories that are also entertaining.
Q: In your opinion, what is the most interesting story that you have written?
A: Last year I wrote a story on a bill that was in discussion and I got to talk to Arizona representatives over the phone. But, he withdrew the bill right before the story came out. It wasn’t a happy day for me.
Q: What did you learn last year that is helping you this year?
A: Well I didn’t take a journalism class so last year I was learning a lot of the basics of journalism and creating a newspaper. Also being just a part of the staff before I was in running it gave me a lot of ideas on what I wanted to do when I was in charge.
Q: What are some skills you are gaining from running The Talon?
A: Definitely time management. I have to juggle writing my own stories as well as editing others. I am also learning how to talk to people in a way that makes them feel that I appreciate their contribution.
Q: What is something you hope the members will take from their experience?
A: I hope that from the class they will take a feeling of teamwork. I want them to feel like they can share their ideas and hopefully come away with a love for journalism.