STUGO is a club for students who want to really get involved in the life of the campus. They plan all the events and activities and oversee the other various clubs. Mrs. Walker is the adviser of STUGO and is ready to serve the campus with all her wonderful students.
Q: What is STUGO?
A: It is an organization that oversees other campus clubs and enriches the campus experience.
Q: How does it enrich the campus?
A: It offers activities for students that are out of the day to day norm.
Q: How does STUGO benefit the students?
A: It offers all sorts of activities that can get them involved in different ways.
Q: What kinds of activities do you do?
A: We plan homecoming, dances, floats and parades, cosmic dodge ball, all morning pep assemblies, GLOW and pretty much all the other events.
Q: Which is the most exciting to plan?
A: Homecoming is, really just because it’s so much going on. The floats are really fun because we all get to hang out and stuff.
Q: What kinds of things do you do to raise money for other charities?
A: We do GLOW and last year we raised $2,000 for Phoenix Children’s Hospital. We do Adopt-a- Family around the holidays. We also participate in relay for life.
Q: What does the money from events go toward?
A: If we make a profit from events like dances and other events it goes toward the things we do.
Q: What will STUGO be doing differently this year compared to past years?
A: We are doing an OCconnection page so that people are able to see events that are posted and stuff.
Q: What are some thoughts you have about your group members this year?
A: They are awesome. They have a lot of energy and passion. They are innovative, you know, because they want to meet the needs of the school and serve the campus.
Q: What is the main goal and expectations for STUGO?
A: Our goal is to always improve school spirit. Make sure that kids know what’s going on and are better informed so that they don’t miss anything. If people don’t show up to something because they just don’t want to, that’s way different than just not knowing enough information.