The Penguin, starring Colin Ferell, serves as a sequel to the 2022 film The Batman and the first TV show in this Batman’s universe. The Penguin follows Oz Cobb, also known as the notorious Batman villain “The Penguin.” The show is essentially a mafia based story set inside the Batman universe, leading to many interesting storylines.
The first episode opens up less than a week after the events of The Batman when Gotham is still trying to recover from all the destruction caused by the Riddler. The opening does a good job of setting up the tone of the show darker than Batman itself. It also helps set up the rest of the season and lays down the plot well. The show’s premise is that Oz makes a split-second decision that probably was not the right one and now he will have to try and deal with the consequences.
Due to this decision, Oz gets involved with the two most infamous mob families, “The Falcones” and “The Maronis.” When the Falcone’s catch on to what Oz did, he tries to shake them by getting the Maronis involved. Oz is still showing his sneaky side and how he only looks out for himself. One of the new characters introduced in this show is Sofia Falcone, daughter of the former leader of the Falcone family, Carmine Falcone. Sofia has just been released from Arkham Asylum and the only thing we know about her is that she is a known criminal, and has a dark reputation.
We do not know how deep their past is, but we can tell that Sofia and Oz have a complicated past. Sofia is the first one to catch onto what Oz did in the first episode, so for the first and second episodes, Oz is just trying to get the heat off of him and stay alive. After many close calls, Oz has at least gotten Sofia off of his case — for now.
While the show isn’t over yet, it will hopefully continue at the same fantastic pace and will end up a massive success. Fans and critics alike collectively agree this is one of the best DC projects ever. There is still a lot more story to tell but it certainly seems like the series will stick the landing at the end, and leave its impact on the audience.