Foxygen releases new double album

Austin Lane, Staff Writer

As someone who enjoys classic rock and psychedelic music, the sheer existence of the band Foxygen was and still is a thrilling concept.

The group is, in its essence, frontman Sam France and instrumentalist Jonathan Rado’s project, featuring background musicians when needed.

Their sound is very clearly meant to be reminiscent of rock bands from the sixties and they pull off both the sound and the image very well.

On October 14th, Foxygen released their newest album, titled, “…And Star Power,” featuring a couple of their most recent hit singles, which hold true to their classic rock formula.

Otherwise, it is rifled with psychedelic songs, most of which make almost no sense but are nonetheless very enjoyable to hear from an instrumental perspective.

The first impression that the collective work makes is in the form of the song, “Star Power Airlines.” It is a brief (one minute and eleven seconds), upbeat compilation of sounds and shouting set to a catchy bass guitar riff.

It sets a heavier tone only to be contrasted by the song, “How Can You Really,” which was one of Foxygen’s singles from the end of the summer.

The contrast immediately lays groundwork for the album’s strange tug-of-war between heavy psychedelia and smooth classic rock, which I find to be enjoyable at times and confusing at others.

After the soft and sweet “You and I” plays, a small themed section begins in which all song titles begin with “Star Power [I, II, III, or IV].” This section is a powerful psychedelic rock experience that can be interpreted in many ways depending on how one reads into the lyrics.

Following the themed concept songs, the album becomes a blur of random songs with what appear to me to be aimless and somewhat poor lyricism, with a few more sensible and songs thrown into the mix.

Truthfully, the only other song that really stands out to me is “Can’t Contextualize My Mind,” due to its catchy, bluesy instrumentals and — what I found to be very comedic — mindless yelping and shouting.

The album as a whole is comprised of 24 songs, all of which are, in some way or another, pleasing to the ear.

I feel as though Foxygen did an adequate job of producing “…And Star Power,” considering how impressive its instrumentals are and how enjoyable of an experience is made available.

The album does have only one flaw, in my opinion, which is a lack of lyrical exploration. Otherwise, I would recommend this album highly for those who enjoy creative and original yet nostalgic music.